UsrImp32/.. Using UsrImp32: Create a CSV file containing information about the users you wan't to import e.g: user1,surname1,forname1,pass1 user2,surname2,forname2,pass2 user3,surname3,forname3,pass3 Then run UsrImp32.exe and select OpenCSV File, Point it at the file you wan't to use. Then match up the appropriate fields from the CSV file to the username, surname etc. boxes. Department, Telephone Number and Fax Number can be ether imported from the NDS Template or from a CSV file, if you leave them blank they will import from the template or you can match up the appropriate files from the CSV file. There is also *FROM TEMPLATE* in there, it also sets it to import them from the template (same as leaving them blank). The Users Full Name can be imported from the CSV file by matching the appropriate Field or it can be generated from the users Forname and Surname put together (select *Given Name + Surname* in the Full Name box for this or leave blank for nothing). Select the context to import the users in to from the CSV file or anter a context manualy e.g. .users.myorg Select "Use Template" and enter the FDN of your NDS Template object. Hit Import and off it goes! The Following can be imported from a template: Identification Page: Title Description Location Department Telephone Number Fax Number Environment Page: Home Directory Volume and Path New Object's FS Rights: Home Directory Rights Group Membership It supports up to 16 groups Volume Space Restrictions It will set Volume Space restrictions on 4 Volumes Other Stuff: Theres a checkbox called "Continue when a user can't be created" that can be used as a way of skiping users that already exist. This will not attempt any changes to the object - it only skips around to doing the next one.